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MN Mapper Help

Design your map
Print or save your map
Contact Us

Step 1:  Design Your Map

Add themes
Click in the box to the left of the themes you want to draw on your map (under the word "Visible").
Click the Refresh Map button.
The Legend will show you the symbol used for each theme.

Add labels
Click in the box to the right of the themes you want labeled (under the word "Label").
(Note: you cannot display labels for a theme that is not visible).
Click the Refresh Map button.

Remove themes and labels
Click in the boxes to remove the check mark beside the themes and/or labels you want to remove.
Click the Refresh Map button.

General hint
It's a good idea to keep your map as simple as you can. The labels have been arranged so that they don't overlap even if you show all of the possible themes and labels, but the map could look cluttered.

Step 2:  Print or Save Your Map

First, make sure your browser's Pop-up Blockers are turned off!

Print map
Click the Continue... button.  
Type in a title for your map (or delete the default title, Minnesota, and leave it blank).
Click the Get Printable Map button.
Choose Print from the File menu on your Internet browser's toolbar.
Close this print window to return to the main MN Mapper window.
(Note: the printout will include the title and legend and is designed to fit on an 8 1/2" x 11" page using quarter-inch margins. Check your margins by choosing Page Setup... from the File menu; if necessary, change margins to 0.25 inches.)

Save map
Click the Continue... button.  
Type in a title for your map (or delete the default title, Minnesota, and leave it blank).
Click the Get Printable Map button.
Click anywhere on the map with the right button on your mouse ("right-click")
Choose Save Picture As... (Internet Explorer) or Save Image As... (Netscape) from the popup menu.
Choose the folder on your computer where you want to save your map.
Rename the file if you like.
Choose a format (PNG or BMP in Internet Explorer 6; PNG in Netscape 6) that you can use with other software that you have.
To save the legend:  right-click on it and repeat the procedure you used to save the map.
Close this print window to return to the main MN Mapper window.



MN Mapper maps are informational only. They are provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. See the full text of MnGeo's disclaimer.

Contact Us

Questions? Suggestions? Email:, call Jim Dickerson at (651) 201-2484 or write to the Minnesota Geospatial Information Office, 658 Cedar Street, Room 300, St. Paul, MN 55155.

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